Production of authentic Oshima tsumugi silk designed by Japanese kimono designer Uekataro Ueo begins.
The Honba Amami Oshima Tsumugi NEXT Project, in which young craftsmen of the Honba Amami Oshima Tsumugi Cooperative get together to create new products for the next generation and to address the issue of bearers, has started a crowdfunding campaign to create new Honba Oshima Tsumugi products for the next generation and to open an online training course where participants can experience and study the products in remote areas to create new bearers. We will start crowdfunding for this project.

The Honba Amami-Oshima Tsumugi NEXT Project has been working to solve the issues of the shortage of craftsmen, wage structure, and demand creation of Honba Amami-Oshima Tsumugi through a system where young craftsmen gather, produce and hand directly to customers, development and sales of products in collaboration with artists, classes for local children, and hands-on experience of wearing the products. We have been working to solve the problems of the shortage of craftsmen, the wage system, and the creation of demand.
Challenge to create modern Honba Oshima Tsumugi designed by kimono designer UEOKATARO
This time, we have taken on the challenge of creating a new brand of Honba Oshima Tsumugi for the next generation, “age! We have commissioned a kimono designer, Mr. UEOCATARO, to design a new and unprecedented design for this new brand “age! Young people and foreigners are enjoying fashion without being restricted by age or gender boundaries. This brand, too, is developing products under the concept of “no borders” so that everyone can enjoy fashion, both in what they wear and what they make.
The brand “age! solves one of the problems of traditional crafts, which is the preservation of proof. Each product is individually tagged with a number after tailoring, and the name of the craftsman who created it and the proof of production area are passed down as an electronic certificate. The only woven design will be stored, published, and exhibited as digital data (NFT) that cannot be replaced to prevent disguise or plagiarism.
A portion of this product will be used as a crowdfunding return gift, and will be given to crowdfunders on a priority basis from next year onward, and will also be unveiled from next year onward.
Training courses for the bearers of Honba Oshima Tsumugi will be held to enable learning and experience even in remote areas.
In response to the issue that there are not enough young craftsmen and that the production of Oshima Tsumugi will cease in a few years, we will start a training course on mud-dyeing and weaving, in order to interest the next generation in the production of Honba Oshima Tsumugi. We will be recruiting students through crowdfunding for the opening of the courses. Each course is a combination of classroom lecture and practical training.
In the mud-dyeing course, Amami mud and sharinbai will be delivered to your home, and you will be able to experience it under the guidance of Amami craftsmen via ZOOM.
In the weaving course, you will go to a weaving studio in Kanagawa Prefecture for a hands-on weaving course.
We would like to give a certificate of completion to those who complete this course and give them priority to participate in the events and exhibitions of this project.
Crowdfunding for direct sales of modern Oshima silk and recruitment of students for the training course
Crowdfunding will be held until January 28, 2012. We will be selling modern Oshima tsumugi and recruiting students for each training course.
For more details, please check the project on campfire.

Details of the crowdfunding project
Media: campfire
Link to the website:
Period : ~January 29, 2024
■Schedule of this project・December 2023 New product announcement in 2024
January 11-13, 2024: Exhibition and business meeting of new products for 2024 in Tokyo
January 28, 2024 Crowdfunding ends, deadline for first term participants
Late February 2024: Returned products begin shipping (each product will be shipped after production is completed)
Late February 2024 Start of online training course
June 2024 or later: Completion of online training course and shipping of certificates
What is Honba Amami Oshima Tsumugi NEXT Project?
Young craftsmen of Honba Amami Oshima Tsumugi Cooperative get together and create Honba Amami Oshima Tsumugi for the next generation to wear by using traditional techniques handed down from generation to generation with young craftsmen in charge of all processes.
The company is a member of the “age! Brand
In the Honba Amami Oshima Tsumugi NEXT Project, we are developing Oshima Tsumugi products under the concept of “No Border” and that everyone can enjoy fashion, both those who wear it and those who make it.
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Honba Amami Oshima Tsumugi
Amami Oshima Tsumugi is a silk fabric with a history of 1,300 years and yarn-dyed patterns. It is said to be one of the three most famous silk fabrics in Japan and one of the three most famous fabrics in the world because of its intricate weaving.
Japanese kimono designer. He develops creative kimonos with a modern sensibility under the kimono and yukata brand “ROBE JAPONICA,” which has a store in Harajuku, Tokyo. In addition, he has collaborated with hobby companies Medicom Toy, Bandai, and Grammy Award-winning musician Thundercat, and has provided costumes for numerous TV programs and commercials, as well as original productions for corporations. Several of his items are in the permanent collection of the Victoria and Albert Museum in London, England.
Kikakushiya Kazaana
Kikakuniya KAZAANA plans projects that involve people under the slogan “Wa de KAZAANA” to connect the culture and traditions rooted in each region to the next generation and to the world. Involved in the Honba Amami Oshima Tsumugi NEXT Project from its inception, she is in charge of planning, coordination with artists and designers, and public relations.