
Honba Amami Oshima Tsumugi NEXT Brand “age!!New product “Kyoto x Amami Oshima” was born in 2024.Exhibition of new products and order-taking event at Gallery Hibiya

Japanese Costume Designer: “Moon and Sun” designed by UEOKATARO

 The brand “age!” of the Honba Amami Oshima Tsumugi NEXT Project, a group of young craftsmen of the Honba Amami Oshima Tsumugi Cooperative Association, will present its first new product, a foil Oshima created in collaboration with Kyoto. The new products will be exhibited at Gallery Hibiya from January 11 (Thu) to 13 (Sat), 2024 and an order-taking event will be held.


 The Honba Amami-Oshima Tsumugi NEXT project is currently conducting a crowdfunding campaign to develop new products for next year, and this product is one of the first products to be produced. and inspired by the old tale “Moon and Sun” from Kikai Island in the Amami Islands. The sun is expressed in gold leaf and the moon in pure white and silver leaf on a genuine Amami-Oshima tsumugi silk fabric with a tortoiseshell pattern. The foil was stamped by takenaka kinsai of Kyoto, and the product is a collaboration between Kyoto and Amami. The product is a collaboration between Kyoto and Amami. The design and the shape of the kimono or furisode kimono type can be selected without being restricted to men and women, and in Amami people wear Oshima silk for the coming-of-age ceremony.

 The brand “age! solves one of the problems of traditional crafts, the preservation of proof. Each product is individually numbered* and a tag is attached to each item after it is tailored, leaving the name of the production artisan and proof of production area as an electronic certificate. The only woven design will be stored, published, and exhibited as irreplaceable digital data (NFT) to prevent any disguise or plagiarism.

You can specify your favorite number (8,000 yen (tax included)). (First-come-first-served basis)

 This product is a challenge to create a new Oshima tsumugi for modern design for the next generation and the global street fashion industry, and will be on display and available for order at Gallery Hibiya from January 11 (Thu.) to 13 (Sat.), 2012.

■Product Outline
Pattern: Sun: Mud-dyed tortoiseshell pattern with gold leaf
     Moon: Pure white silver leaf on indigo-dyed tortoiseshell pattern
Shape : Furisode type and Kimono type (selectable)
Fabric : 100% silk, genuine Oshima silk
Tailoring : Japan (hand-sewn)
Certificate : With a tag of pattern, maker and year of production by NFT
Form of delivery: Delivered tailored

The gold and pure white and silver foil will not come off with a little rubbing or cleaning due to the gold coloring technique.
*This is a unisex product.
We will make and tailor it after your payment is completed.
Patterns may vary depending on the size and tailoring method.
We will attach an electronic certification tag (log) to the lining after tailoring.

■Outline of New Product Announcement

Name: Honba Amami Oshima Tsumugi NEXT Brand “age! New Product Exhibition and Order Taking Event in 2024
Date & Time: Thursday, January 11, 2024 1:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
        January 12 (Fri.) 11:00-19:00
        January 13 (Saturday) 11:00-17:00
Contents: Display and acceptance of orders for new “Moon and Sun” products for 2024
     Display of NEXT Project related products and activities
     Weaving machine demonstration
     (The loom will be dismantled on the last day from 16:00 (you can see the structure of the loom))
Venue : Gallery Hibiya
     1-6-5 Yurakucho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0006, Japan

■2024 New Product Collection Book published
In addition to newly shot photographs of models wearing the new products to be released this time, the book includes the story of the production process and comments from kimono designer Ueo Kataro and other craftsmen involved in the project.
The cover of the book is made of Oshima tsumugi silk.
The book is a return gift for the crowdfunding campaign currently underway.
For more details, please visit the CAMPFIRE page.

1 month ago

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