
Honba Amami Ohshima Tsumugi NEXT Brand “age!New product “Strawberry” was born in 2025.

New product exhibition and order-taking events held in Shibuya, Tokyo and Paris, France

The brand “age!” of the Honba Amami Ohshima Tsumugi NEXT Project, a group of young craftsmen of the Honba Amami Ohshima Tsumugi Cooperative Association, will present “Ichigo” designed by kimono designer Ueo Kataro as a new product for 2025 in Japan and France. The new products will be presented and exhibited in Shibuya, Japan on December 21(Sat) and 22(Sun), 2024 and in Paris, France on January 30(Thu) and 31(Fri), 2025. The exhibition will be held in Shibuya, Japan and in Paris, France on January 30 and 31, 2025.

Visual of the exhibition and order-taking event in Shibuya
Visual of Paris exhibition and order-taking event

The Honba Amami Ohshima Tsumugi NEXT Project, a group of young craftsmen of the Honba Amami Ohshima Tsumugi Cooperative Association, launched a new brand “age! a group of young craftsmen from the Amami Ohshima Tsumugi Association, launched a new brand “age!

 This brand will develop products with kimono designer Ueo Kataro and challenge to create a new Ohshiman Tsumugi aiming at modern design for the next generation and the global street fashion industry.

 In 2024, inspired by the old tale of “Moon and Sun” left in Kikai Island, Amami Islands, we introduced “Foil Ohshima”, in which the sun is expressed in gold leaf and the moon in pure white and silver leaf on the turtle shell pattern fabric of genuine Amami-Ohshima silk.

 Following “Foil Ohshima”, “Ichigo” will be released as a new product in 2025.

 The brand “age! In order to solve the problem of preserving proof, which is one of the problems of traditional crafts, a numbered tag is attached to each product after it is tailored, and the name of the craftsman who produced it and the proof of production area remain as an electronic certificate. The only woven design will be stored, published, and exhibited as irreplaceable digital data (NFT) to prevent any counterfeiting or plagiarism.

 We will hold exhibitions and order-taking events in Shibuya, Tokyo, and Paris, France, with products that challenge the creation of new Ohshima Tsumugi for the next generation and modern design for the global street fashion industry.

 Craftsmen of the Honba Amami Ohshima Tsumugi NEXT Project members will be available to guide you directly.

If you are interested in our products, want to know more about Ohshima Tsumugi, or want to become a craftsman, we are looking forward to seeing you at the exhibition. On the day of the event, young craftsmen of the Honba Amami Ohshima Tsumugi NEXT Project members will explain about their products.

■Product outline
Pattern : Strawberry
Fabric : Honba Ohshima Tsumugi 100% silk
Tailoring : Japan (hand-sewn)
Certificate : Genba Ohshima Tsumugi with a tag of pattern, creator, and year of production by NFT
Form of delivery: Delivered tailored
Product details: https://ohshimatsumuginextproject.com/
Outline of New Product Launch Event in Japan and France

Name: Honba Amami Ohshima Tsumugi NEXT Brand “age! New product exhibition and order-taking event in 2025
Date : December 21, 2024 (Sat) 11:00-17:00
      December 22 (Sun.) 11:00-17:00
Place : Udagawacho Building 1F
      Udagawacho Building 1F, 14-13 Udagawacho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 100-0006, Japan
Contents: Exhibition of new products “Strawberry” and “Foil Oshima” for age! products “Foil Oshima” and accepting orders.
      Display of products and activities related to the NEXT Project
URL : https://ohshimatsumuginextproject.com/20241202-2/

Map of Shibuya venue

Name :Exhibition of new products of Honba Amami Ohshima Tsumugi NEXT brand “age! Exhibition of new products and order-taking event in 2025
Date : Thursday, January 30 and Friday, January 31, 2025, 18:00 – 21:00
Place : Comptoir de Kimono, 21 Blvd Saint Martin, Paris, France
     Paris, France COMPTOIR DE KIMONO
Description :Exhibition of new products “Strawberry” and “Foil Ohshima” for age! and “Foil Ohshima” products for the year 2025.
     Display of products and activities related to the NEXT Project

What is Honba Amami Ohshima Tsumugi NEXT Project?
 Young craftsmen of Honba Amami Ohshima Tsumugi Cooperative get together and create Honba Amami Ohshima Tsumugi for the next generation to wear by using traditional techniques handed down from generation to generation with young craftsmen in charge of all processes.

The company is a member of the “age! Brand
 In the Honba Amami Ohshima Tsumugi NEXT Project, we are developing Ohshima Tsumugi products under the concept of “No Border” and that everyone can enjoy fashion, both those who wear it and those who make it.
Website : https://ohshimatsumuginextproject.com/
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/ohshimatsumuginextproject/
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/honbaamamioshimatsumugi

Honba Amami Ohshima Tsumugi
 Amami Ohshima Tsumugi is a silk fabric with a history of 1,300 years and yarn-dyed patterns.

 Japanese kimono designer. He has a store in Harajuku, Tokyo, where he produces original kimonos and yukatas under the brand “Robe Japonica” with a modern sense. In addition, he has collaborated with hobby companies Medicom Toy, Bandai, and Grammy Award-winning musician Thundercat, and has provided costumes for numerous TV programs and commercials, as well as original productions for corporations. Several of his items are in the permanent collection of the Victoria and Albert Museum in London, England.

HP: https://robe-japonica.jp


3 weeks ago

明けましておめでとうございますみなさまがよい1年になりますよう願います。今年も前向きにメンバー一同精進してまいります。一年前に発生しました能登半島震災で犠牲になられた方々へ哀悼の意を表します。また被害を受けられた皆様にはお見舞い申し上げるとともに1日も早い復興をお祈りしております。#本場奄美大島紬 #奄美 #大島紬 #着物 #kimono #紬 ... See MoreSee Less
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4 weeks ago

先日の展示会で発表したage!!ブランド「いちご」今まで告知物には図案を使ってましたが、撮影写真をアップしました!図案の段階ではカワイイ柄だったのですが、落ち着きと気品が備わりました。ずっと眺めていたいです。大島紬で今までにない苺柄。泥染めによる黒褐色を下地にいちご柄が白いラインで浮かび上がり、光のあたり方により可愛らしい柄にエレガントさを与え、大人の遊び心をくすぐる一品に仕上がりました。展示会は終了していますが、反物と仕立てたものは企画屋かざあな(南青山)、奄美にございます。ぜひ当ててみたい方は、お問い合わせください。#本場奄美大島紬 #大島紬 #着物 #kimonostyle #奄美 #いちご #strawberry ... See MoreSee Less
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4 weeks ago

本場奄美大島紬NEXTプロジェクトage!! 2025collection展示会in渋谷にご来場いただき、誠にありがとうございました。渋谷という環境で、大島紬をパッと見て惹きつけられるかという実験的な要素もあった今回の展示会。若い方や海外の方にもふらっと入ってじっくり見ていただけたことが大きな収穫でした。大島紬のどのようなポイントに魅力を感じていただけるか見えた気がします。新作のいちごも好評で、思った以上につけてみるとカワイイだけではなく、大島紬ならではのかっこう良さが伝わる作品に仕上がったかと思います。もし、いちごを検討されているようでしたら、仮仕立てした物と反物はまだ奄美には持ち帰ってませんので、お声かけいただければと思います。ご存知の通り、今回の生産での数量は限られていますので、ご了承ください。前回の日比谷での展示会に来ていただいた方が、職人を希望されて奄美にいらっしゃいました。このプロジェクトは職人になりたいという方を増やしたいという思いと、職人が食べていけるようにする課題への取り組みでもあります。私たちが提案する作品を介して、場を通して、人と人がつながっていく機会になればと願っています。引き続き、本場奄美大島紬NEXTプロジェクトを宜しくお願いします。#本場奄美大島紬 #大島紬 #奄美 #着物 #kimono #kimonostyle #いちご ... See MoreSee Less
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