Honba Amami Oshima Tsumugi NEXT Project, a group of young craftsmen of Honba Amami Oshima Tsumugi Cooperative Association, launched a new brand “age! a new brand launched on Wednesday, August 30.

This brand is a challenge to create a new Oshiman Tsumugi with modern design for the next generation and the world street fashion industry by developing products with a kimono designer, Mr. UEOKATARO.

The Honba Amami Oshima Tsumugi NEXT Project aims to solve issues such as shortage of craftsmen, wage system, and demand creation for Honba Amami Oshima Tsumugi through a system in which young craftsmen gather together to make fabrics by themselves and hand them directly to customers, development and sales of collaborative products with artists, classes for local children, and hands-on experience of wearing the fabric. We are working to resolve issues such as the shortage of craftsmen, wage structure, and demand creation.
This challenge was directed by Yoichiro Kawaguchi of Kikakuya Kazaana, who has been involved in this project since its inception, and with the help of Ueo Kataro, we were able to create a new and unprecedented design. Younger generations and non-Japanese are increasingly enjoying fashion without being bound by gender or age boundaries. This brand, too, is developing products based on the concept of “no borders” so that everyone can enjoy fashion, whether they wear it or make it.
The products of the new brand “age! will be sold directly from the artisans and will also utilize NFT.
We will distribute the schedule and latest information on our website and SNS, so please register with us.
■Project information distribution media
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/ohshimatsumuginextproject/
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/honbaamamioshimatsumugi
What is the Honba Amami Oshima Tsumugi NEXT Project?
Young craftsmen of Honba Amami Oshima Tsumugi Cooperative get together and create Honba Amami Oshima Tsumugi for the next generation to wear by using traditional techniques handed down from generation to generation with young craftsmen in charge of all processes.
Honba Amami Oshima Tsumugi NEXT Project Members
Project leader Shingo Minami (Yumeori no Sato Co., Ltd.)
Masaken Moto (Hajime Shoji Co., Ltd.)
Keisuke Maeda(Maeda Tsumugi Kougei Co., Ltd.)
Yasunori Kuroda(Tojo Orimono Co., Ltd.)
Takahiro Tokuyama (Tsumugi no Tokuyama)
Momoko Moriyama (Tabata Silk Textile Co., Ltd.)
Koichi Tanizaki (Tanizaki Silk Textile Co., Ltd.)
Chiaki Mori (Tabata Silk Textile Co., Ltd.)
Hironori Kawabata (Kawabata Drapery Shop Ltd.)
Hisami Minami (lima)
Uweo Kataro
Japanese kimono designer. He has a store in Harajuku, Tokyo, where he develops original kimono and yukata brands “ROBE JAPONICA” with a modern sense of style. In addition, he has collaborated with hobby companies Medicom Toy, Bandai, and Grammy Award-winning musician Thundercat, and has provided costumes for numerous TV programs and commercials, as well as original productions for corporations. Several of his items are in the permanent collection of the Victoria and Albert Museum in London, England.
Kikakushiya Kazaana
Kikakuniya KAZAANA plans projects involving people under the slogan “Wa de KAZAANA” to connect the culture and traditions rooted in each region to the next generation and to the world. Involved in the Honjo Amami Oshima Tsumugi NEXT Project from its inception, she is in charge of planning, coordination with artists and designers, and public relations.